Skin Resurfacing
Wrinkles in your skin that are present when you are not animating your face are called resting wrinkles. Procedures designed to alter or eliminate these pesky signs of aging are collectively known as resurfacing techniques.
All of these resurfacing procedures have to alter the molecular structure in the layer of the dermis where wrinkle memory lives in order to attain a permanent result.
These procedures are divided into three main categories:
1. Mechanical (Dermabrasion): only used for deep pitting acne scars.
2. Thermal (Laser Treatments): simply controlled heat, denaturing skin proteins.
3. Chemical (A variety of chemicals): to denature skin proteins in a controlled fashion. A multitude of various chemicals are available to address various degrees of skin damage.
All of these choices will be discussed at great length and the technique best suited for your personal needs selected at the time of your consultation with Dr. Longo.
All of these resurfacing procedures have to alter the molecular structure in the layer of the dermis where wrinkle memory lives in order to attain a permanent result.
These procedures are divided into three main categories:
1. Mechanical (Dermabrasion): only used for deep pitting acne scars.
2. Thermal (Laser Treatments): simply controlled heat, denaturing skin proteins.
3. Chemical (A variety of chemicals): to denature skin proteins in a controlled fashion. A multitude of various chemicals are available to address various degrees of skin damage.
All of these choices will be discussed at great length and the technique best suited for your personal needs selected at the time of your consultation with Dr. Longo.
Charles T. Longo M.D. | 4250 H St. Suite #3 Sacramento, CA 95819 | Phone: 916.456.8756 Fax: 916.456.1542